6'7" Bantom Egg #6130
Wave type
Board feel
waist to well over head
6'7" x 21" x 3"
easy rider, speed and drive, paddle power
Skill level
beginner to advanced
1/8" Ply
An eggy mid to fill that 6’ to 7' void. A drivy performance focused egg that loves to be put on rail and go fast with minimal effort. The narrow but rounded nose holds plenty of volume up front for maximum paddle power. A lower rocker with a flat midsection to subtle vee out the back giving plenty of drive and control, the harder you push the more you get. Enough length to accommodate some moving around on the board but not too much to leave you caught out, the Bantom is a quiver killer of sorts for those that like boards that paddle and surf with drive and hold.
Shipping for Australia on our boards is :
Pick up your board for FREE at the Noosa factory
For boards OVER 7ft- $290 flat rate
For board UNDER 7ft- $210 flat rate
Shipping for International Board orders will require a custom quote. We will be in contact with you shortly after purchase.
If you have any questions, hit up Doc at doc@thomassurfboards.com

Bantom Egg
narrower rounded beak nose with diamond tail